Sponsorship Disclaimer

Disclosures & Disclaimers

Some posts on our site may be sponsored or paid for by a third party. We may also accept free products from any company, brand, retailer, manufacturer, or maker in exchange for a write-up or review..

This website is created, written, and operated solely by the Jaimis Industires LLC.

Sponsorship Disclaimer

Some posts on our site could be sponsored or paid for by a third-party. We also could accept free products from any company, brand, retailer, manufacturer, or maker in exchange for a write-up or review.

Advertising & FTC Affiliate Disclosure

Jaimis Industries is a for-profit blog. It contains paid banner advertisements that are generated and managed by a third-party network.

This blog also earns money by participating in affiliate programs. This means we may receive a small commission when you purchase a product from our link, at no additional cost to you. Many of the links on this website (as well as those in our email newsletter and social channels) may earn affiliate commissions. When you see product links on this blog, please assume they are affiliate links. We attempt to include a line noting that in every email or blog post that includes them.

The aforementioned banner ads and affiliate links pay the hosting fees that keep this site up and running, so thanks for your support!

Copyright Disclaimer

Any photos used from outside sources and are believed to be in the public domain and readily available on the Internet (published according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act, title 17, U.S. Code). Jaimis Industries LLC reserves the right to remove, replace, or move any images or content without prior announcement.

Medical Advice Disclaimer 

For general informational purposes only. Not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness or disease. Content from this site or connected social media channels is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. As health and nutrition research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any information presented on this website. Please consult with a physician before starting any new fitness/beauty/skin/health/diet regime. 

Professional Advice Disclaimer

For general informational purposes only. Nothing on this site is intended to be financial, legal, expert-level, or medical. Please consult with a licensed professional in their field of expertise in your jurisdiction.

Testimonial Disclaimer

Any testimonials shared by others on this blog or on our social media channels are merely single-handed examples (as are our own testimonials about various home improvement methods, products we bought and tried, etc). Because of the variables associated with defining success, and because those variables are so personalized, it is impossible to accurately state what an individual may or may not achieve. Success is determined on an individual basis and is dependent on a variety of factors including willingness to take action and implement ideas based on what is taught, prevailing market conditions, target market selection, and the amount of hard work and effort an individual expends.

Image by storyset on Freepik
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