7 Proven Strategies to Increase Repeat Purchases and Customer Loyalty for Your Ecommerce Business

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Turn One-Time Shoppers Into Lifetime Customers

We all know acquiring new customers is crucial for ecommerce growth. But building repeat purchases from existing buyers is just as important – if not more – for long-term revenue and sustainability. 

In fact, repeat customers tend to spend 67% more than new ones. And it’s 5-25x cheaper to market to existing customers vs new ones. 

So how can you boost repeat orders and maximize lifetime value?

Here are 7 proven strategies to turn one-time buyers into loyal repeat customers:

How can small ecommerce businesses drive repeat purchases without large marketing budgets?

Boosting repeat ecommerce purchases is very doable through focused lifecycle marketing tactics, even on a budget. Post-purchase emails, basic loyalty programs, retargeting, and SMS can help turn one-time buyers into repeat customers. Tailor messaging and offers to different lifecycle segments. Engage customers on an ongoing basis, not just during sales.

Strategy #1: Send Post-Purchase Emails 

One of the easiest ways to drive repeat purchases is sending targeted emails after someone buys from you. 

For example, you can send:

  • A thank you email confirming order details
  • Tips for using the product 
  • Requests for product reviews
  • Surveys about their purchase experience 
  • Special offers for their next order
  • Related products or bundles they may be interested in

Each email moves them further along the journey from one-time buyer to repeat customer.

You need to strike the right tone, though. Make it educational rather than overly promotional. And spread out emails over time based on lifecycle stage.

Execution is everything. With post-purchase emails, you can boost repeat order rates by 25-50%.

Strategy #2: Offer Loyalty & Rewards Programs

Loyalty and rewards programs incentivize customers to make repeat purchases. 

Whether it’s points, tiered benefits, or special offers – you reward their continued patronage.

For example, Sephora’s Beauty Insider program has three tiers:

  • Insider – Get rewards points and free birthday gift
  • VIB – Accumulate points faster + get early access to sales
  • VIB Rouge – All VIB perks + free shipping + free full-size products

Higher tiers unlock greater perks and status, motivating customers to purchase more over time to reach the next level. 

Pro tip: Make it easy to enroll, track progress, and redeem rewards. Gamification drives ongoing engagement.

Strategy #3: Segment Your Email Lists

Don’t blast the same emails to all customers. Segment your list based on:

  • Purchase frequency 
  • Purchase history
  • Length of time as a customer

Then tailor your messaging accordingly.

For example, send new subscribers educational content and limited promos. Give repeat customers early access to sales and VIP perks. 

And re-engage customers who haven’t purchased lately with “We miss you” offers and incentives to come back. 

When messaging aligns with lifecycle stage, it resonates so much more.

Strategy #4: Leverage SMS Marketing

SMS open rates are 98% compared to just 20-30% for email.

So using SMS to nudge customers post-purchase is extremely effective. You can send:

  • Shipping confirmations
  • Tracking updates
  • Satisfaction surveys 
  • Exclusive promos

Just make sure customers opt-in first. And keep messages concise, personalized, and valuable.

With the right SMS approach, you can increase repeat purchases by as much as 150-200%.

Strategy #5: Retargeting Ads 

Retargeting (aka remarketing) ads follow customers who’ve visited your website across the internet. 

For example, someone browses shirts on your store but doesn’t buy. Your ads can follow them around displaying that shirt.

This captures people who are already interested and gently nudges them back to purchase.

Beyond just product retargeting, you can create custom audiences who:

  • Visited cart but didn’t buy
  • Searched for a product but didn’t buy 
  • Purchased something already (upsell)

Then serve them relevant ads. Retargeting helps turn abandoning visitors into paying customers.

Strategy #6: Social Media Engagement 

Your social presence is a great way to stay top of mind and nudge repeat purchases.

Share user-generated content, special offers, new arrivals, and more. Make it enticing and interactive.

Beyond your main business page, build an engaged community on Instagram or Facebook. Come up with creative initiatives to spark conversation.

Giving customers a “behind the scenes” look can build deeper connections… which inspires them to keep coming back and buying more over time.

Strategy #7: Optimize Product Page Content 

Don’t overlook your product pages. That’s where visitors literally decide whether or not to purchase from you.

Make sure your pages have:

  • Detailed product descriptions
  • High-quality images/videos  
  • Strong calls-to-action 
  • Peer reviews and social proof
  • Recommended / related products

This showcases full product value. And gives customers new cross-sell opportunities right on the page.

Plus, SEO optimized product content will attract recurring searches and traffic. So you organically bring back repeat visitors.

Put It All Together for Repeat Purchasing Power

Getting existing customers to buy again, and again, and again is the “golden goose” of ecommerce. Lifetime value over a single transaction.

Implementing even just a few of these proven repeat purchase strategies will compound over time. Turning one-time buyers into lifetime loyal customers.

The ultimate win-win for your business and your customers alike.

Resources for Driving Repeat Purchases from Ecommerce Customers 

Want to dive deeper? Here are some helpful resources to boost repeat purchases:

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