The Complete Guide to Creating Engaging Interactive Emails

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Interactive emails have revolutionized the way brands connect with their audiences. According to studies, emails with interactive elements have open rates as much as 50% higher than static emails. But what exactly are interactive emails, and how can you use them to boost engagement? This complete guide will teach you everything you need to know about creating irresistible interactive emails that convert. You’ll learn what interactive email is, types of interactive elements to include, design tips, real examples, and tools to build your own attention-grabbing emails. With the right strategy, interactive email can help you stand out in the crowded inbox and take your marketing results to the next level.

What Are Interactive Emails?

Interactive emails contain dynamic elements that recipients can click, tap, swipe or hover over to interact with. This creates a more engaging experience beyond static text and images.

Examples of interactive email elements include:

  • Quizzes/surveys with clickable answer buttons
  • Expandable/drop-down content sections
  • Interactive images and GIFs
  • 360-degree product views
  • Countdown timers or progress bars
  • Clickable calculation tools
  • Customizable content blocks
  • Interactive games/puzzles
  • Shoppable product galleries

These elements encourage your subscribers to actively participate with your emails rather than just passively viewing them.

Benefits of Interactive Emails

Here are some of the key benefits of using interactive content in your email campaigns:

  1. Increased engagement: Interactive emails can boost clicks, taps, time spent, and overall engagement.
  2. Higher open rates: The dynamic elements build curiosity to encourage more readers to open your emails.
  3. Better conversion rates: By actively engaging readers, interactive emails can more effectively guide them towards conversions.
  4. More insight: The interactions give you valuable data on subscriber preferences and behaviors.
  5. Greater personalization: Interactive content lets you tailor messages and experiences for each subscriber.
  6. Brand differentiation: Interactive emails can build your brand and help you stand out in the inbox.

Tips for Creating Effective Interactive Emails

Follow these tips to get the most out of your interactive email campaigns:

  • Use interactive elements that align with your goals and audience. Don’t use them for the sake of it.
  • Focus on one primary interactive element per email to avoid overcomplicating.
  • Ensure accessibility for all devices, email clients and disabilities.
  • Have a non-interactive fallback option in case the interactions don’t load.
  • Test thoroughly across different environments before sending.
  • Comply with CAN-SPAM and GDPR regulations for opt-ins and user data.

Unique Interactive Email Content Ideas

Now let’s explore some innovative ways to use interactive elements in your emails:

  • Interactive quizzes to grab interest and collect data
  • Spin-the-wheel discounts or promotions
  • Shoppable product galleries they can browse and click
  • Appointment booking calendars they can schedule from
  • Countdown timers to spur action for sales or events
  • Poll questions subscribers can answer about your brand
  • Interactive calculators specific to your industry
  • Augmented reality content they can place in the real world
  • Progress bars showing loyalty status or steps completed
  • Interactive games or puzzles related to your products

The options are endless. Test different interactive content to see what resonates most with your subscribers.

Tools for Building Interactive Emails

Here are some top tools to help create and optimize interactive emails:

  • Mailchimp – Easy drag-and-drop editor with basic interactions.
  • Omnisend – More advanced interactive options and templates.
  • Chamaileon – Interactive email templates with dynamic content.
  • VWO Email – A/B testing for emails.
  • Litmus – Preview and test emails across all clients.
  • Mailtrap – Safe email testing environment.

The Future of Interactive Email

Interactive email is only getting more sophisticated. As technology evolves, expect to see more dynamic content like augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and two-way communication in emails.

The possibilities are endless for creating fun, valuable experiences through interactivity. Use this guide to start boosting your own email results with interactive elements today. Just remember to always put your subscriber first.


Interactive email is the future of digital marketing. As technology expands possibilities, savvy marketers are using engaging interactive elements to create emails that educate, entertain, and convert subscribers. This guide has shown you how to incorporate everything from quizzes to AR into irresistible interactive emails. Focus on aligning dynamic content with your goals, simplifying the experience, and thorough testing. When done right, interactive email lifts open rates, boosts clicks, captures data, and drives conversions. Your subscribers are craving experiences, not static messages. Now you have the tools to deliver. The next step is to start experimenting with interactivity to enrich subscriber relationships and results. Get out there and put these tactics into action with your next email campaign.

Resources for interactive emails

The resources below provide helpful information for creating and using interactive emails in marketing campaigns.

  • How to Make Your Emails More Interactive [Expert Tips] – This HubSpot article provides tips and best practices for creating interactive emails, including examples of different interactive elements like quizzes, calculators, live polling, and more that engage email subscribers.
  • Interactive Email Guide + 5 Tips for Your First Campaign – This guide from Constant Contact explores what interactive emails are and how to create them using different interactive elements. It also offers 5 specific tips for designing your first interactive email campaign.
  • Create Interactive Email Content Unit – This Salesforce Trailhead module explains how to create interactive email content that allows subscribers to take action right from their inbox using web-like functionality. Examples of interactive email are provided.

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